2024 Polish Studies Initiative Grant and Scholarship Competitions Now Open

November 17, 2023

2024 Polish Studies Initiative Grant and Scholarship Competitions Now Open

PSI graphic

The Polish Studies Initiative (PSI) of the Center for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies is pleased to announce that the application window for the 2024 PSI grant and scholarship competitions is now open. PSI supports OSU students, postdocs, and faculty studying and/or researching Polish language, culture, and other disciplines related to Poland. Funds are used for scholarships, travel grants, curriculum development or to facilitate internships, domestically and internationally. All applications and supplemental materials must be submitted by Friday, February 16, 2024 in order to be considered.

Polish Studies Initiative Scholarships

The Polish Studies Initiative (PSI) aims to support the study of Polish language and culture through summer intensive language programs, internships, and study abroad programs. Scholarships are available for both OSU undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in pursuing more advanced training during a summer semester. Scholarships will be awarded in the amount of $1,000. For information about study abroad programs and summer language programs, visit the Resources section on PSI's main page.

Polish Studies Initiative Grants

PSI grants fund the research of OSU faculty, postdocs, and post-candidacy PhD students in the arts, humanities, and social sciences that will enhance the understanding of Polish society and culture. Projects focusing on Polish-American culture or curriculum development for Polish-language courses are also welcome. Typically, up to $1,500 in funding can be requested.

For more information and links to the applications, please visit the Polish Studies Initiative webpage. If there are any inquiries, please send them directly to PSI’s program coordinator Alicia Baca (baca.31@osu.edu).