Slovene Research Initiative


The Slovene Research Initiative (SRI) was founded in the fall of 2013 through an endowment from the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU), as well as through contributions from the Society for Slovene Studies (SSS). SRI promotes research on Slovenia, Central Europe, and Southeastern Europe. The Center for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (CSEEES) administers SRI, and ZRC SAZU and SSS are partner organizations. Each year, SRI funds a faculty exchange program between Ohio State and ZRC SAZU and works with SSS and the Research Centre to organize an annual lecture and other events. All events can be found on the CSEEES events page.

Ohio State Faculty Exchange

As part of SRI, CSEEES and ZRC SAZU conduct an annual faculty exchange program. One or two faculty from each institution are hosted at the other institution for two to four weeks to conduct research. Partner institutions cover accommodation and access to libraries, archives, and other research holdings, as well as office space in either Columbus, Ohio, or Ljubljana, Slovenia. For the 2025 exchange, applications from advanced graduate students will also be considered.

2025 Visiting Scholar Exchange Program

Applications are now closed for the 2025 exchange. The call for proposals for the 2026 exchange will be released in late 2025.


Application Information

SRI will cover either two or four weeks of housing in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and access to conduct research at the Research Center of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts. Proposed exchanges should take place in late spring or during the summer. The SRI Committee might opt to select two proposals that request two weeks of housing, or one that requests four. Visiting Scholar Exchange proposals can focus on any discipline but should clearly demonstrate how the research or work conducted on the exchange will advance the understanding of the region.

A proposal should include:

  1. A description totaling two-three pages outlining the proposed research/collaboration/project to be undertaken, including information on its status (whether work has already been started or is new), potential collaborators in Slovenia or resources that can be accessed through the exchange but not available domestically, and future plans for conducting the work after the exchange (whether this will lead to a publication, further opportunities for collaboration, or ongoing research);
  2. A C.V. that includes the credentials listed below; and
  3. Whether you are requesting two or four weeks of accommodation, as well as approximate dates.

Applicants will be evaluated by the CSEEES committee on the basis of the following criteria:

  1. Quality of academic credentials (40%)
    1. Publication record;
    2. High level international research experience; and
    3. Other relevant recognitions (e.g., awards).
  2. SRI related research proposal (60%)
    1. Relevant to Slovene studies;
    2. Relevant to Central European studies; and
    3. Relevant to Southeast European studies.


  1. Research Collaboration proposal with Slovene scholars (60%)
    1. Established record of collaboration; and
    2. Proposal for new collaboration.

Society for Slovene Studies Exchange

The Society for Slovene Studies is an international association of scholars that are dedicated to researching all aspects of Slovenia in all disciplines, furthering interest in Slovene culture, fostering closer communication among scholars of Slovenia, and disseminating their research more broadly. It achieves this by organizing meetings and conferences and the preparation of publications. As a partner organization of SRI, SSS helps to fund and organize events, as well as conducting an exchange program between SSS and the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. This annual exchange program is open to all SSS members. For more information on SSS, including on membership and the SSS exchange program, please contact SSS President Michael Biggins.     

Annual Slovene Research Initiative Lectures

Each year, SRI sponsors a lecture by a prominent scholar of Slovenia and/or Southeastern Europe.

  • 2014
    • Gregor Kranjc, Brock University, “But the Germans Didn’t Want Anything From Us: The Lessons of World War II Slovene Collaboration”
    • Luka Vidmar, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, "Forbidden Books in Inner Austria until the End of the 18th Century"
  • 2017
    • Tanja Petrovic, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, "Socialist Military Service and the Scattered Archive of Yugoslav Masculinity"
  • 2018
    • Michael Biggins, University of Washington, "Canons Continually Recast:  Claiming Space for the Genius of Europe’s Borderlands"
  • 2019
    • Film screening of Nightlife and Q&A with Joe Valencic
  • 2023
    • Matija Zorn, Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, "Boundary Stones and their 'Hidden' Legacy in Slovenia"
    • Oto Luthar, Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, "Indignant Revenge: Everyday Life in the Fascist Concentration Camps"
    • Film Screening of LGBT_SLO 1984 and Q&A with Joe Valencic
  • 2024
    • Ivan Smiljanić, Institute of Contemporary History, "Coffee and Conversation: Monuments and Memory"
    • Miha Zobec, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, "Book Launch: Daring Dreams of the Future"
  • 2025
    • Film Screening of My Border and Q&A with Joe Valencic

Partner Organizations

The Center for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies at The Ohio State University

The Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts

The Society for Slovene Studies

For information or questions, please contact CSEEES' assistant director, Emma Pratt, at or call (614)292-8770.