September 1, 2016
165 Thompson Library
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2016-09-01 16:00:00
2016-09-01 18:00:00
Global Humanities Careers Roundtable for Undergraduates
The area studies centers of the Office of International Affairs will host a forum for undergraduate students on September 1, 2016 about the strengths of humanities degrees for preparing for success in the job market. We will focus on global--national and international--competency, and how to pursue international and related comparative and language-based work. Please visit the forum’s web site for readings on how the humanities support career prospects and busting/countering myths of the ideas which motivate some students to look toward other fields in order to ensure job security. The forum will be led by Harvey J. Graff, Ohio Eminent Scholar in Literacy Studies & Professor of English and History, Director, LiteracyStudies@OSU.
165 Thompson Library
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2016-09-01 16:00:00
2016-09-01 18:00:00
Global Humanities Careers Roundtable for Undergraduates
The area studies centers of the Office of International Affairs will host a forum for undergraduate students on September 1, 2016 about the strengths of humanities degrees for preparing for success in the job market. We will focus on global--national and international--competency, and how to pursue international and related comparative and language-based work. Please visit the forum’s web site for readings on how the humanities support career prospects and busting/countering myths of the ideas which motivate some students to look toward other fields in order to ensure job security. The forum will be led by Harvey J. Graff, Ohio Eminent Scholar in Literacy Studies & Professor of English and History, Director, LiteracyStudies@OSU.
165 Thompson Library
The area studies centers of the Office of International Affairs will host a forum for undergraduate students on September 1, 2016 about the strengths of humanities degrees for preparing for success in the job market. We will focus on global--national and international--competency, and how to pursue international and related comparative and language-based work. Please visit the forum’s web site for readings on how the humanities support career prospects and busting/countering myths of the ideas which motivate some students to look toward other fields in order to ensure job security. The forum will be led by Harvey J. Graff, Ohio Eminent Scholar in Literacy Studies & Professor of English and History, Director, LiteracyStudies@OSU.