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CLOSED Call for Applications: Ohio REE&E Faculty Research Travel Grants

November 30, 2022

CLOSED Call for Applications: Ohio REE&E Faculty Research Travel Grants

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The Center for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (CSEEES) at The Ohio State University seeks to support the research of non-Ohio State faculty teaching at a college or university in the state of Ohio whose research and teaching specialization relates to Russia, Eastern Europe, or Eurasia (REE&E). This funding is made possible through CSEEES’ Comprehensive National Resource Center Title VI grant from the International and Foreign Language Education division of the U.S. Department of Education. Up to $1000 in research-related travel funds are available to defray the costs of conducting research at a library or archive in Ohio or an adjoining state. Funds can be used to cover mileage, per diem, or lodging costs between January 17, 2023 – August 14, 2023 and will be provided as an expense reimbursement. Depending on funds requested, CSEEES may select multiple proposals for a total of $1000 to be granted.

Application Process: To apply, faculty should submit: a CV; a 400-500 word description of the research project, what resources they need to access and their location, dates and plans for conducting the research, and an explanation of how the research will enrich their teaching and REE&E scholarship; and a budget. Applications and questions should be sent to Emma Pratt at pratt.124@osu.edu by January 2, 2023. Decisions will be announced by January 9, 2023.

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