CSEEES Affiliate Faculty Members Receive Promotion to Assistant Professor of Teaching

The Center for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (CSEEES) is very pleased to announce that the College of Arts and Sciences has appointed our affiliate faculty members Drs. Matthew Boyd and Diana Sacilowski to Assistant Professors of Teaching for an initial five-year term starting in the autumn 2024 semester.
Dr. Matthew Boyd teaches Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian and his expertise covers youth culture, music, and politics in the former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia and punk, ideology, and ethics on the global post-socialist stage. Dr. Diana Sacilowski teaches Polish language and her areas of expertise include Polish literature and culture, postmodernism, and memory studies. Both have also contributed to CSEEES' online learning resources as they created the Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian (BCS) on the Ground and Polish on the Ground language courses that are available through Ohio State's ScarletCanvas platform.
Congratulations to our wonderful colleagues on these well-deserved promotions. We look forward to continuing to work with you both!