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PSI Grant and Scholarship Competitions Now Open

December 5, 2018

PSI Grant and Scholarship Competitions Now Open

PSI recipients in Poland

The Polish Studies Initiative (PSI) of the Center for Slavic and East European Studies (CSEES) is now accepting applications for faculty and graduate student research grants, as well as undergraduate and graduate student scholarships for study abroad and internships. Faculty and post-candidacy PhD students can apply for up to $1,500 in funding to support research on Polish society and culture, including Polish-American culture, from any disciplinary perspective. Funds can be used for travel, conference attendance, or other research related expenses. Pre-candidacy PhD, graduate, professional, and undergraduate students can apply for up to $1,000 in scholarship funds to support participating in a summer semester study abroad program for Polish language or Polish area studies, in a domestic intensive Polish language program, or in an internship in Poland. For more information on how to apply for a grant or scholarship, please visit the PSI webpage.

Past PSI scholarship recipient Lauren Sayers participated in a study abroad program at the Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw where she was able to take courses on social change in Central and Eastern Europe. Nikki Freeman, a past recipient of the PSI grant, was also able to go to Poland where she conducted research for her dissertation on how the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee worked alongside the Central Committee of Jews in Poland on behalf of Jewish children to reconstruct Jewish life after the Holocaust.