CSEES would like to congratulate the following students on winning FLAS Fellowships for the 2017-2018 academic year. Fellowships are made possible through a
Title VI Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship grant from the U.S. Department of Education, International and Foreign Language Education division, as well as generous matching funding from Ohio State’s Graduate School.
Jacob Coakwell, Center for Slavic and East European Studies and Public Administration dual master’s degree student: Intermediate Polish. Jacob’s research interests lie in civil war and ethnic conflict and Russian foreign policy.

Eric Connelly, Center for Slavic and East European Studies and Public Administration dual master’s degree student: Advanced Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian. Eric is
interested in researching the role of the Balkans as part of American and Russian foreign policy.
Kassi Graziani, International Studies and Russian major with a specialization in security and intelligence: Advanced Russian. Kassi aspires to work in either intelligence collection or analysis.
Hayden Hayes, Russian and International Studies major with a Slavic and East European Studies specialization: Advanced Russian. Hayden’s research interests include relations between Russia and Eastern European states, particularly Ukraine and Moldova.
Chris Kinley, Department of History: Intermediate Albanian. Chris’ research concerns the Greek-Albanian borderlands and the military occupation in southern Albania

and northern Greece.
Dane Kirk, Center for Slavic and East European Studies and Public Administration dual master’s degree student: Advanced Russian. Dane’s research interests include analyzing Russia’s geopolitical ambitions, the impact of those aims on the US and its interests, and the strategy they employ on the world stage in order to achieve those ends. He is also interested in Russia’s relationships with the other post-soviet states in this context as they forge their own paths that may or may not include being part of what Russia has termed the “русский мир”.
Mary McDonald, Center for Slavic and East European Studies graduate student: Advanced Russian. Mary’s research focuses on artistic censorship in Russia from the 19th century to the present day.

Katie McAfee, Center for Slavic and East European Studies and Public Policy dual master’s degree student: Advanced Uzbek. Katie’s research concerns public health
issues and management in Central Asia, specifically regarding tuberculosis and HIV.
Duncan Richardson, Center for Slavic and East European Studies: 4th year Russian.
Barbara Roth, Department of Political Science: Advanced Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian. Barbara’s research is on comparative politics and international relations with a focus on social and political culture in the western Balkans.

Pietro Shakarian, Department of History graduate student: Elementary Eastern Armenian. Pietro’s research concerns Anastas Mikoyan and his role in the de-Stalinization in the Soviet Union under Khrushchev.
Brenden Wood, Center for Slavic and East European Studies graduate student: Advanced Russian. Brenden’s research concerns contemporary Russian nationalism,
Russian relations in Eastern Europe and Slavic languages in general.
Alex Yavornitzky, Russian and Political Science major: Advanced Russian. Alex aspires to attend law school, focusing on international law.