Angela Brintlinger (Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures) published “Biography as an Oratorical Genre” in AvtobiografiЯ: Journal on Life Writing and
the Representation of the Self in Russian Culture No. 5 (2016) 153-171. She also was elected vice president of the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL), term 2017-2020, and delivered a paper at the AATSEEL Annual Conference in San Francisco in February, “Following in the Footsteps: Personal Places and Biographical Subject.”
Jill Bystydzienski (Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, CSEES) published with Sonnet Gabbard the entry “Role of Women's/Feminist Organizations in Eastern and Central Europe” in the Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality, edited by Nancy Naples.
CFAES Faculty to Visit Ukraine and Welcome Six Visiting FEP Fellows in Fall 2017
As a component to the 2016 U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Faculty Exchange Program at Ohio State University, two faculty members, Allan Lines, professor emeritus in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (AEDE) and Barry Ward, program leader of Production Business Management in Ohio State Extension, will conduct a two and half week follow-up visit to Ukraine in June. They will travel to several cities to meet with students, faculty and administrators at the home universities of the FEP fellows placed at Ohio State in fall 2016, in addition to assessing opportunities for further collaborative engagement between Ohio State and CFAES faculty and Ukrainian partners.
Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES), through the collaboration of the Office of International Programs in Agriculture and AEDE, is preparing to welcome six new Ukrainian university educators as a part of the fall 2017 FEP cohort. During the five-month USDA-funded fellowship at Ohio State, these fellows will observe undergraduate classes focused on agricultural economics, business management, marketing and trade, extension, to advance their university’s teaching and outreach capacities. The fellows in this cohort come from the following universities in Ukraine: Sumy National Agrarian University, Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian and Economic University, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, and Kherson State Agrarian University.
Maj. Brandon Davis (CSEES) will be doing an independent study in Soviet Military History over the summer.
Jared Dye (CSEES, Glenn College) has accepted a job beginning in June working as an English adaptation specialist at CD Projekt RED, a video game developer in Warsaw, Poland, known for the Witcher franchise. He will be translating and adapting the original Polish in-game dialogue and text into English for the English-language versions of their games.
Yana Hashamova (Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures) has been named associate researcher at the Institute of Culture and Memory, Research Center, Slovene Academy of Sciences (March 2017).
Gerry Hudson (Mershon Center) gave the address “Current Developments in Russian-American Relations” for the Bexley History Club on February 13. On April 12, he addressed the First Community Village in Dublin on “Russia’s Structure of Power and Russian Foreign Policy.”
Joanna Kaganovich (CSEES) has been accepted to the Kent State University MA program in translation for fall 2017.
Katie McAfee (CSEES) led a group of nine undergraduate students on a Buck-i-SERV trip to Washington, DC, March 2017. Braving the late-season snowstorm, her group assisted an organization called Food & Friends. Mornings they worked in the kitchen, and then delivered meals to shut-ins in their van. Katie will be studying advanced Russian in Kyrgyzstan this summer.
Myroslava Mudrak (Art History, emeritus) presented “The Making of a Brand — The Shaping of Identity: The Life and Legacy of Heorhii Narbut” at the International Conference “Ukrainian Statehood 1917-1921: Institutions and Individuals” in February; organized and moderated the colloquium, Modern Ukrainian Art in a Global Context: New Publications, held at The Ukrainian Museum in New York City in February; and participated in a forum on the Ukrainian Artists Avant-garde at the Frankfurt Messe book fair in October 2016. She also published “An Eye Toward the Visual Arts” in Nova Generatsiia --introductory essay to Olena Kashuba-Volvach's Mystetski storinky ‘Novoi generatsii’ 1927-1930 [Art Pages of Nova generatsiia] for the Institute for the Study of Contemporary Art, Ukraine.
The following Slavic Center MA students presented papers at the Midwest Slavic Conference at The Ohio State University, April 8-9: Jacob Coakwell: “The Impact of Intervention: Russia’s Intervention in the Tajik Civil War;” Jared Dye: “From Leader to Laggard: Alternative Energy in Russia”; Joanna Kaganovich: “Heroes and the Nation in the Warsaw Uprising;” and Katie McAfee: “Improvements and Priorities: Water Management and Water Quality in St. Petersburg.”