By Maryann Walther-Keisel
CSEES wishes to congratulate the following students for graduating in the 2017-18 academic year.
Jacob Coakwell completed dual MAs in Slavic and East European Studies and Public Affairs. He worked with Professor Emeritus John Quigley as his advisor to write a thesis on “Peace on Ukraine’s Terms: Partition not Autonomy.”
Eric Connelly completed dual MAs in Slavic and East European Studies and Public Affairs. His advisor was Professor Emeritus John Quigley. Eric focused on international law, human rights and Russia through the ages.
Brandon Davis completed the MA in Slavic and East European Studies. He worked with Professor Emeritus John Quigley as his advisor to write a thesis on "State Cyber Operations and International Law: Russian and Western Approaches."
Katie McAfee completed dual MAs in Slavic and East European Studies and Public Affairs. Her advisor was Professor Morgan Liu and she focused on public health in Central Asia.
Conrad Rinto graduated in December 2017 with an MA in Slavic and East European Studies. He worked with Professor Theodora Dragostinova as his advisor to write a thesis on Balkan history and politics.
We wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors!