By Maryann Walther-Keisel
Jill Bystydzienski (CSEES and Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies) received the 2017-2018 Harlan Hatcher Arts and Sciences Distinguished Faculty Award from the College of Arts and Sciences during the April 10 Spring Recognition Ceremony.
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Office of International Programs in Agriculture announces the following:
Grant Award for Soil Fertility Management in Ukraine: Dr. Rafiq Islam, Research Scientist and Program Leader of the Soil, Water, and Bioenergy Program, along with collaborator Dr. Nataliia Didenko, research scientist at the Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation in Ukraine, were awarded $100,000 in funding to support their ongoing collaborative activities on soil quality management in Ukraine. The award comes from the CRDF Global, an independent nonprofit organization that promotes international scientific and technical collaboration, and was awarded based on previous joint research conducted by the researchers through the USDA Borlaug Fellowship program.
Faculty Exchange Program (FEP): The Office of International Programs in Agriculture, in collaboration with Dr. Stan Thompson and Dr. Allan Lines, professors in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics, concluded the hosting of 6 fellows from Ukraine in December 2017. These fellows are agribusiness and agricultural economics faculty from higher education institutions in Ukraine and are focused on enhancing their understanding of U.S. agricultural systems and policies through classroom observation, practical field visits, and interaction with U.S. agricultural industry representatives. This program was funded by the Foreign Agricultural Service in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and preparations are currently underway for Dr. Thompson, Dr. Lines, and Dr. Barry Ward, Program Leader of Production Business Management in Ohio State Extension, to conduct follow-up visits to Ukraine this Spring. As a result of this program, Memoranda of Understanding are currently being signed between The Ohio State University and four of the fellows’ home institutions in Ukraine: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Sumy National Agrarian University, Kherson State Agrarian University, and Zhytomyr National Agroecological University.
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) invited to Penn State University: The Ohio State University was invited along with four other universities to participate in a discussion at Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences centered on U.S. higher education institutions advancing agricultural development in Ukraine. Dr. Allan Lines, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics, attended this meeting from March 7-8, 2018, where he presented what historic teaching, research, and extension efforts Ohio State has led or been a part of and what the current and/or emerging needs are to further modernize Ukraine’s food and agricultural systems.
Theodora Dragostinova (History) delivered a talk entitled “A small state on the global scene: Bulgarian cultural diplomacy in the 1970s,” and met with researchers at the Institute for Culture and Memory Studies of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts in March.
Hayden Hayes (Russian and International Studies) received a Graduate Enrichment Fellowship from The Ohio State University Graduate School for academic year 2018-19.
David Hoffmann (History) published Cultivating the Masses: Modern State Practices and Soviet Socialism, 1914-1939 (Cornell University Press) in Russian translation as Vzrashchivanie mass: Modernoe gosudarstvo Sovetskii sotsializm, 1914-1939 (Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2018).
Scott Levi (History) published The Rise and Fall of Khoqand, 1709–1876: Central Asia in the Global Age (Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh University Press, 2017).
Morgan Liu (Near Eastern Languages and Cultures) published "Uzbek Political Thinking in the Third Decade of Independence" in Constructing the Uzbek State: Narratives of Post-Soviet Years, Maureen Laruelle (ed.), pp. 69-83. He also published an author's response in Central Asian Survey 37(1): 160-171, for a book review of Under Solomon's Throne. Liu also delivered three conference presentations: "Crafting Inclusion within an Exclusive Ethnic Nationalism: Political Entrepreneurship via Soviet ideals in a Central Asian City" at the American Anthropological Association conference in December 2017; "How a Central Asian Patron Created a Public (of a sort)", the keynote address for the 12th Annual Conference on Landscape, Space, and Place in March 2018; and "Framing Piety, Prosperity, and Politics" in the workshop "Bourgeois' Islam, Prosperity Theology, and Ethics in Muslim Eurasia" in January 2018.
Kathryn Metz (CSEES) presented the paper “Europe’s Waiting Room for Refugees: Negotiating Borders and Performing Resilience in Serbia” at the 2nd Migration Studies Symposium “Walls and Passages” on March 2 at The Ohio State University. She presented a paper “Violence and Exclusion: How European Union Border Externalization Impacts Transit Migrants in the Western Balkans” at the Midwest Slavic Conference on March 24 at The Ohio State University. She published “Europe’s Waiting Room for Refugees: Negotiating Borders and Performing Resilience in Serbia” on February 5, 2018 in Border Criminologies (University of Oxford).
Izolda Wolski-Moskoff (Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures) published "Knowledge of Forms of Address in Polish Heritage Speakers" in Heritage Language Journal, April 2018