Epp Annus, lecturer, Slavic and East European languages and cultures and comparative studies, will chair the
panel “Post-Cold War Intellectual History: Theorizing Coloniality and Authenticity” at the Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies, “Europe under Stress: The End of a Common Dream?”
Will Bezbatchenko (MA, Slavic and East European studies, 2016) was awarded a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship in Kyrgyzstan for 2016-2017.
Angela Brintlinger, professor, Slavic and East European languages and cultures: published the article "'A Missing Link': Derzhavin, Travnikov, (Muni), Khodasevich” in Derzhavin: The Man and His Work; reviewed Tat’iana Smoliarova’s Zrimaia lirika. Derzhavin in Slavic and East European Journal; presented “Mandel’shtam and ‘The End of the Novel,’ or People and Things” at the Midwest Slavic Conference; delivered the lectures “The ‘Genre of Human Voices’: Svetlana Alexievich” and “Memento Mori: Death and Memory in Chekhov’s Cemeteries”; and wrote an article for Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective, “Crime and Punishment, 150 Years Later.”
Karolina Chimchenko (MA, Slavic and East European studies, 2016) received an offer from the Peace Corps to

serve in Ukraine for two years.
Eric Connelly (CSEES and Glenn College dual degree student) received an internship for summer 2016 with the Department of State at its embassy in Moscow, Russia in the Public Affairs section.
Theodora Dragostinova, associate professor, history; Yana Hashamova, professor, Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures; and Jeffrey Cohen, professor, anthropology, received the university’s Office of Academic Affairs Academic Enrichment Grant for their project “Migrants and Refugees: Comparative Migration Experience in Europe and Turkey,” providing support to bring international speakers to the Ohio State campus. The 2016-2017 lecture series will examine aspects of European migration from a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective that incorporates voices and viewpoints from the social sciences, humanities and arts.
Jonathon Dreeze (history PhD student and 2013-14 FLAS Fellowship alumnus) has received a Fulbright Fellowship to conduct research in Kazakhstan.
Jared Dye (CSEES and Glenn College dual degree student) is interning at Clean Fuels Ohio during summer 2016. Jared assists with outreach and administration for Clean Fuels Ohio's (CFO) membership program. He also searches for grant opportunities to support CFO operations, CFO-sponsored events, and members' efforts to convert their fleets to alternative fuel technologies. In addition to his responsibilities in development, Jared keeps up-to-date with the alternative fuel and electric vehicle industries in order to post news on social media that may be relevant to members and other interested stakeholders
Helena Goscilo, professor, Slavic and East European languages and cultures, delivered a lecture in conjunction with the Columbus Symphony Orchestra, “Russia’s Glitterati: An Elite with International Credentials Mining National Traditions;” participated in the workshop Soviet Children in WWII at the University of Hawaii with “Visual Variations on Victimization: The Child’s Plight in WWII"; gave an invited talk at East Carolina University, “Censorship and Art in the Putin Era;” and presented at the Radiant Futures conference “Viva la (Problematic) Différence! Taxonomy and its Discontents and Contents.” She will chair the panel “Challenges to Democracy Promotion in the Neighborhood” and present the paper “From Attraction to Retraction and Its Artistic Consequences: The Russian Case” at the Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies, “Europe under Stress: The End of a Common Dream?”
Additionally, Goscilo curated the Hagerty Hall exhibit “The Many Faces of Vladimir Putin’s Public Persona” and delivered an outreach presentation at Walnut Hills High School, “Baba Yaga and Her Realm.”
Chris Guerrini (CSEES and Glenn College dual degree student) is interning at the State of Ohio’s Office of Budget and Management (OBM) this summer. Chris will be analyzing fiscal activities utilizing qualitative and quantitative data; developing survey and assessment material/collecting; analyzing and summarizing data at varying levels of detail/preparing issue and options analyses including proposed recommendations for OBM leadership.
Yana Hashamova, professor, Slavic and East European languages and cultures, spoke at the Melikian Center for Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies at Arizona State University on the status and future of area studies. Invited by the Center for Russian and East European Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, she also presented a talk on women film directors in Balkan cinema to faculty of Beaver County Community College.
George E. (Gerry) Hudson’s, lecturer political science and Mershon Center for International Security Studies, letter to the editor “No Law of Anarchy,” was published in the May/June 2016 issue of Foreign Affairs (95 (3) 191-192).
Maria Ignatieva, associate professor, theatre, received the university’s 2015-2016 Outreach Award recognizing the founding and 20 successful years of the program, Theatre for Young Audiences at OSU-Lima, which introduced theatre to more than 40,000 elementary school children; initiated and organized the conference "Theatre In and Out of the Classroom;" initiated and hosted the visit of Russian playwright, screenwriter and director Alexander Galin; presented “Mousetraps in Chekhov's Seagull” at the Comparative Drama Conference; and received an Ohio State grant for regional campuses to conduct research in Lithuania titled "Theatre Beyond Political Borders."
Ludmila Isurin, associate professor, Slavic and East European languages and cultures, received the 2016 award for The Most Outstanding Article of the Year published in Language Learning Journal. Her article, co-authored by Christy Seidel, “Traces of Memory for a Lost Childhood Language: The Savings Paradigm Expanded,” was published in 2015 (Language Learning, 64 (4), 761-790).
George Kalbouss, faculty emeritus, Slavic and East European languages and cultures, was elected to the Board of Directors for the Ohio Humanities Council, effective May 1, 2016.
Marianna Klochko, associate professor, sociology, will present the paper “Attitudes about Success: Can Economic Transformation and Instability Influence Youth Values?” and serve as a discussant for the panel “Russian (Un)Civil Society in the Age of Politicization” at the Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies, “Europe Under Stress: The End of a Common Dream?”
Myroslava Mudrak, faculty emeritus, history of art, was awarded The Alfred H. Barr, Jr. Award for Smaller Museums, Libraries, and Collections for her catalogue Staging the Ukrainian Avant-Garde of the 1910s and 1920s and the exhibition co-curated by Tetiana Rudenko from the Kyiv Museum of Theater, Music and Cinema Arts of Ukraine. The award was presented at the 104th Annual Conference of the College Art Association. The exhibition, held at the Ukrainian Museum in New York City in 2015, and catalogue were described as “the essence of what the Barr award is intended to celebrate: solid pioneering research that results in profound art historical revelation. That this scholarship is brought to bear on an understudied, indeed, almost overlooked chapter on European Modernism—at least in Europe and the United States—makes the publication doubly revelatory. What the scholarship makes clear…is that these artists, filmmakers, dancers, scenographers, theater directors, and costume designers deserve to be considered alongside their better known counterparts in the Paris and Russian avant-gardes. Staging the Ukrainian Avant-Garde of the 1910s and 1920s stands as model of the rich insights to be gained from interdisciplinary, cross media investigations that are grounded in the study of primary documents and concrete social history.”
On May 26, Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures PhD student Jeff Parker successfully defended his dissertation Inflectional Complexity and Cognitive Processing: An Experimental and Corpus-based Investigation of Russian Nouns. The dissertation committee consisted of Andrea Sims (committee chair, associate professor, Slavic and East European languages and cultures); Brian Joseph, professor, linguistics; Mark Pitt, professor, psychology; and Gregory Stump, professor, linguistics, University of Kentucky. Jeff will graduate this summer and has accepted a tenure-track position as assistant professor in the Department of Linguistics and English at Brigham Young University, beginning autumn 2016.
Larysa Stepanova, language program coordinator, Slavic and East European language and cultures, was accepted into the 2016 Summer Heritage Language Teacher Workshop at UCLA.