The PSI promotes the study of Poland and the Polish language among Ohio State students, faculty and the greater Columbus community, through scholarships, grants and a lecture series.
Grant and Scholarship Recipients

The PSI Committee would like to congratulate this year’s recipients of PSI scholarships and grants. Alyssa
Neville and Lauren Sayers received PSI scholarships to use towards their study abroad experiences. They are participating in the Ohio State Summer School in Social Sciences in Warsaw, Poland.
Izolda Wolski-Moskoff was awarded a PSI grant, which she will use to continue her dissertation research in Poland. Wolski-Moskoff is studying the acquisition of cases among Polish heritage speakers. While in Poland, she will collect data from Polish native speakers to use as a control group in comparison to heritage speakers in the United States.
Presentations of Research by Previous Grant Recipients

This spring, two 2015 PSI grant recipients presented their research, completed in Poland last summer. Nikki
Freeman, a PhD student in the Department of History, presented her research from POLIN, the Museum of the History of Polish Jews. She discussed her interpretation of the museum and how the museum was received by locals and those abroad. Angela Brintlinger, a professor in the Department of Slavic and Eastern European Languages and Cultures discussed her ongoing connection with the Collegium Artes Liberales at the University of Warsaw and the films she viewed at the Warsaw Film Festival.
Marci Shore Gives Lecture at Ohio State
On February 25, PSI hosted Marci Shore, associate professor, history, Yale University. Shore presented a lecture on her upcoming manuscript, It was My Choice: The Revolution in Ukraine (forthcoming, Yale University Press), in which she spoke about the 2014 revolution in Ukraine and the unlikely solidarity Poles felt with Ukrainians during the protests on Maidan in Kiev.