Call for Proposals: Online curricular modules

CSEES is reopening the call for online curricular modules about topics related to Eastern Europe and/or Eurasia. Up to two more modules can be funded in summer 2020; compensation will be approximately $2,250 per module. Already in development are: “Baltic Tenacity: Survival and Preservation of the Baltic Cultures through the Years of the Russian Empire and Soviet Union”; “From population exchange to ethnic cleansing: Forced migration in 20th-century Eastern Europe”; and “Putin: Russia’s President and Contemporary Icon”.
The intended audiences for the modules are high school or community college students as self-study or a resource to supplement what they are learning in the classroom, as well as high school educators or community college faculty that could use the modules in class or as an assignment for students. Modules should be self-contained units of instruction that contain information about a general topic (such as for example: Introduction to Romania/Russia/Uzbekistan; history of the Cyrillic alphabet and uses of Cyrillic/Latin alphabets across Eastern Europe; Russian Orthodoxy; etc) and include detailed lessons and/or examples to provide deeper understanding.
The modules will be posted as open-access materials on CSEES’ website. Modules can be developed by faculty members, lecturers, graduate students, or undergraduate students under the mentorship of a faculty member. CSEES is requesting expressions of interest through June 1, 2020.
Interested faculty or graduate students should review the
for details and email Eileen Kunkler at