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During the fall 2019 and spring 2020 semesters CSEES’ outreach coordinator, Alicia Baca, delivered presentations on different topics about Russia for the Columbus Council on World Affairs (CCWA)…

The 10th annual Russian Undergraduate Olympiada took place on Saturday, February 29th at Bowling Green State University. Over 40 students from five colleges and universities in Ohio competed in…

Core Fulbright Scholar Program

Core Fulbright Scholar Program awards provide opportunities for faculty as well as for professionals, artists, journalists, scientists, lawyers, independent…

The Center for Slavic and East European Studies is excited to announce a new K-12 teacher training program, the Engaging Eurasia Teacher Fellowship program. This year-long, national program is…

Through funding from the US Department of Education, the Title VI National Resource Centers (NRCs) for Russia/Eastern Europe/Eurasia at the Center for Russian and East European Studies/University…

The Ohio State University Area Studies Centers are accepting proposals from OSU faculty members for the OIA Area Studies Centers Conference Grant program. The deadline for submitting brief pre-…

The Slovene Research Initiative (SRI) of the Center for Slavic and East European Studies has published the 2020 Call for Applications for its Visiting Scholar Exchange Program.The deadline to…

On Thursday, December 5, CSEES director Dr. Angela Brintlinger visited three Russian language classes at Walnut Hills High School. Over the course of three hours, the 38 students prepared four…

One of the exciting new programs that CSEES has launched as part of its 2018-22 Title VI Comprehensive National Resource Center grant is the East European and Eurasian Online Curricular Module…